A simple web application to provide useful and consolidated information for Adobe Analytics administrators with lots of report suites to manage. It uses Adobe Analytics API 2.0 instead of sunsetting API 1.4, so a lot of administrative information is missing. However, it should be good enough to provide a good overview.
There are large tables for showing combinations of report suites and dimensions/metrics. Please use a desktop computer and monitor with adequate resolution, instead of a mobile device.
Log in with your Adobe ID at https://app.leocwlau.com/toolkit-aa to start. All information is stored locally in the browser as an IndexedDB, nothing will be sent or stored on my web application.
Following is a simple documentation about the functions and features of the tool.
Report Suites
To provide an overview of all report suites even if belong to different companies in the same IMS organization in Adobe Analytics. Unfortunately, API 2.0 has way fewer details on report suites than API 1.4 as mentioned above, only with the information from the screen below plus information related to virtual report suites.

However, you can still be able to have the overview. Use the filter function to focus on a subset of report suites to check for the timezone, currency, and calendar.
Dimensions could be more interesting and useful. It puts together all custom dimensions, eVars and props, from all report suites into a single table for easy viewing and comparison.
To keep the table small and avoid unnecessary empty columns, only eVars/props defined and in use are displayed.
In the basic “by report suite” view, you can easily identify the consistent usage of custom dimensions or not. The same issue from API 2.0 with little information, so there are only name, description, type, pathable, and multi-value. In API 2.0, it is one API for both eVars and props as Adobe makes them as “dimension” in general. So they are showing in the same table with eVars coming first then props. This makes the table a little wide with many columns. You can use the filter function if only want to look at eVar or prop alone.

You can change to the “by dimension” view which lists all dimensions by name. It shows the eVar or prop assigned for the dimension under each report suite. That can help to understand if there are inconsistencies across report suites with similar but different dimensions.

Similar to custom dimensions, here is the list of all custom metrics from all report suites. Same as dimensions in that only custom metrics defined and in use are displayed as there could be 1000 custom metrics for each report suite.

Loading and Caching
The IndexedDB is cleared on every login, so all data will be reloaded on each session. Data will be loaded as needed and cached in the IndexedDB, so no more data loading in navigating between pages for performance. It will load data in parallel using all the simultaneous connections of the browser.

Pagination, Filter, and Display
The combination of all report suites and dimensions/metrics results in a very large and sparse table. There will be performance issues and also be difficult to read. The paginator on the top of the screen allows only up to 100 rows of data per page.

A filtering function with different operators (equals, not equal, contains, not contains, starts with, ends with) with and/or conditions could help to filter down records of interests for a focused view for comparison.
Since there is limited administrative information available via API 2.0, the default view shows only the names of dimensions and metrics. There are different options for “Display” in each function to show additional information if desired.
If you find any bugs, have any issues or questions, or even get some ideas which could be useful to add, please leave a comment on the contact page.